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Divine Threads and Cosmic Winks: An Angel's Perspective on Creation

Decode celestial stories, feel the intricate Divine threads, and take a glimpse at just a few of Elohim's cosmic winks: Peek into an angel's perspective on Creation. Come with us to crack the cosmic code on angels' endgame in God's Masterplan, especially in those end times prophecies. Ready for a divine intel mission?

We're delving into a timeless narrative: The creation story, familiar to many, it recounts God's craftsmanship of the world. While typically shared from a human perspective, it's interesting to imagine the ethereal companions – the heavenly host of angels. These spiritual beings were present at the inception, quietly fulfilling significant roles in the unfolding tapestry of God's plans.

Take a moment to turn with us to the beginning of it all, the 1st chapter in the Bible –
Genesis 1:1-31

Now, let me invite you to uncover the mysteries of one such heavenly ambassador. Uriel is an angel who wrote down their experiences and emotions during the first moments of creation. As we read their diary, may we be astonished by the magnificence and mystery of the cosmos.

God Creating Light
The First "Day"

Entry 1 / Day 1- The First "Day": In the symphony of creation, I stood witness as His mighty voice resonated through the cosmic void, where we'd arrived to watch as our Creator set the stage for His newest Masterpiece. The universe unfurled under His command, transforming chaos into a harmonious cosmos. Intricately woven, each element held the promise of an unfolding masterpiece. Contemplating the future, all witnessing could sense a grand Divine purpose embedded in this new celestial design.

In this cosmic theater, the Creator's voice echoed through the void, crafting a symphony from His creation. With fingers aglow, galaxies twirled into existence, planets emerged as Divine sculptures, and oceans carved celestial pathways. His passion, a cosmic fire, intricately woven into every detail—from the dance of the atoms to the grandeur of this cosmic phenomena. Joy obviously radiated as He witnessed the flourishing beauty, while there seemed a slight touch of melancholy. Undeterred, His determination blazed, turning this act of creation into a masterstroke representing His love and boundless imagination. The harmonious cosmos stood as a testament to our Creator's clever artistry, a manifestation of His Divine passion and perfection.

Al the waters on earth being separated
The Firmament

Entry 2 / Day 2- A Spectacular Show of Separation of Sky and Water: On this second day of creation, the Creator, with a symphony of celestial utterances, wove a spectacular separation between the sky and the water. His Divine touch shaped the firmament, a crystalline dome adorned with hues of blue and purple that painted the canvas of the cosmos. The Creator's passion radiated from Him as He sculpted this celestial masterpiece, each stroke reflecting His boundless creativity. The cosmic audience, in awe of the unfolding beauty, raised our voices in a harmonious chorus, singing the glory of His Creation. In response to our admiration, The Creator smiled—an indescribable expression of His warmth and satisfaction. This separation of sky and water, is a testament to His meticulous craftsmanship, standing as a brilliant testament to the Creator's unwavering commitment to perfection and the extraordinary beauty woven into the fabric of this universe.

God bringing dry land forth
The Emergence of Dry Land

Entry 3/Day 3- The Emergence of Dry Land: 

On the third day of creation, The Creator's genius manifested in the separation of waters and land. His voice echoed through the cosmic harmony, shaping the seas and earth with precision and care. A burst of cosmic power sparked life into being on this new stage of existence. The Creator's zeal expressed itself in the variety of plants and trees that embellished the terrain.

His Divine touch blessed each leaf and petal, giving the flora a vitality that reflected the very spirit of life. The Creator's eyes, glowing with artistic passion, observed the developing scene with a pride that only an artist can understand. The cosmic spectators admired the emerging complexities, and The Creator's joy vibrated through the cosmos.

As this new green creation took hold, The Creator's vision looked ahead to the future. We watched as thoughts of expansion and evolution filled His divine mind, imagining the rich tapestry of life that would cover the landscape. The Creator's zeal for His creation was not just about the immediate beauty; it was this forward-thinking embrace.

In this heavenly display, the appearance of land signified the Creator's infinite zeal for life and the awe-inspiring skill that infused every part of His creation. The third day unfolded as a symphony of growth and vitality, a testament to The Creator's lasting dedication to the eternal dance of life on this cosmic stage.

The Birth of the Sun, Moon & Stars
A Divine Display

Entry 4 / Day 4- The Birth of the Sun, Moon & Stars:

On this fourth day of creation, The Creator's genius illuminated the sky with a cosmic orchestra of light and beauty. With a mere utterance, a chorus of light and beauty burst forth from His mouth, decorating His celestial canvas with a breathtaking brilliance.  The Sun and Moon, each with its unique role and radiance, synchronized in a heavenly harmony. Stars adorned the firmament like sparkling jewels on His royal crown, a celestial spectacle beyond any comparison. He granted this new planet signs and seasons, crafting the days and years to mark each one of His appointed times. The gift of sunlight illuminated His beauty and grace in a way that none of us had ever seen before, a visual symphony that left me delighted. As He pronounced it "good," all of our beings echoed His sentiment.

Heavenly Host Watching Creation
The Wonders of Life

Entry 5 / Day 5- The Wonders of Life: Today unfolded with such divine elegance. At His commands, a bustling community of life began pulsing through the waters, & birds took to the skies, their dominion harmoniously established. As Celestial Observers, we reveled in the exquisite artistry of all of these creations. Blessings began to rain down as He urged them each to thrive and multiply. His wisdom and power shone in every detail, from the scales on the fish to the birds' feathers. It was all excellent, and His creations merely mirrored His delight.

As He spoke into existence a vibrant array of aquatic and aerial creatures. I, along with other heavenly witnesses, marveled at the exquisite beauty of each creation. This 5th day, revealed His deep delight in life. This day honored the Creator's enduring zeal for the wonders of life and love for this, His cosmic masterpiece.

The Creation of Land Animals and People
The Apex Unveiled

Entry 6 / Day 6: The Apex Unveiled

The 6th day unfurled as the apex of this cosmic narrative. The Creator, such a masterful Artisan, sculpted life vividly, with love and meticulous care. A panorama of diversity unfolded before us—a seamless scene where predators and prey, plants and animals, coexisted in harmony.

In this grand culmination, humanity took center stage, a masterpiece shaped in the divine likeness and bestowed with the boundless gift of imagination. From the cosmic vantage point, the angel admired the intentional design, where every heartbeat resonated with a fervent desire for beings to thrive and synchronize with His own.

Yet, in these moments, the angel couldn't help but reflect on their own creation, a celestial enigma shaped by the same hands that crafted the wonders of these 6th day creations. The intersection of divinely orchestrated narratives echoed in the silent chambers of my contemplation. The 6th day stood as a testimony to the Creator's unparalleled craftsmanship, infusing life with purpose and weaving a narrative echoing His timeless love.

God and Man Enjoying the Sabbath
The Seventh Day is The Sabbath of The Lord Your God

Day 7 / Entry 7- In the celestial crescendo's grand finale, God spoke the final words, deeming all things "very good," a reflection of His flawless character that resonated with the angel's celestial senses. The seventh day unfolded, a sacred interlude in the cosmic narrative, where even the Creator paused in majestic repose, a demeanor reflecting both satisfaction and an invitation to rest.

As the angel observed, it interpreted the significance of this divine pause. The Creator's countenance, a portrait of contentment and delight, hinted at a purpose beyond the immediate spectacle. The day of rest wasn't merely a cessation of labor but a deliberate embrace of tranquility, an echo of the eternal nature of creation. In that sacred stillness, the angel perceived the Creator's desire for beings to share in the profound beauty of rest, a momentous pause that, like the declared goodness, would reverberate through the ages—a testament to divine love, meticulous attention to detail, and an invitation to partake in the eternal dance of creation.

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